I went to the garden today to find, yet again, several moats! There was so much rain that our rows were being protected by several inches of water... again!
I decided to start at the front, where I would likely not get sucked into the earth, with onions. Bad move. Have you ever tried to separate baby onions from grassy weeds??? It took about an hour to get 1/3 of a row done. But, I am so happy to see our little friends popping up. Tom gave me hope :D
Then it happened. Close to the beets I came upon a snail (the first living snail that I have ever met - sans shell). I call him "Al" the snail. Al was happy to be snuggling the rows of beet leaves but I get completely grossed out by squishy stuff like that so... I evicted him. Linda and Chris were in the garden then and I was feeling so bad for Al that I felt compelled to confess.
I didn't want Al to go it along so I had two trolls, naked as him, escort the squishy guy into the tall grass to live happily ever after.
All is well in our soggy garden! ~ Janice
but i can call you betty...